The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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421 lines
System Timer Operations Instructions ...................................
[B] keycodes Define Timer Break-Out Sequence
[T] hh:mm:ss Timer Op - Curr Day / Specified Time
[T] hh:mm:ss mm/dd/yy Timer Op - Specified Day & Time
System Command Processing Instructions .................................
%string% System Variable Flag
%n Input Parameter Flag
#n Calculated Input Parameter Flag
[!] Display an Empty Line in SM
[!] n Display n Empty Lines in SM
[!] string Display a message in SM
[?] 0 Clear Input Parameter Counter
[?] s Input String w/o Prompt Message
[?] n Input Integer w/o Prompt Message
[?] r Input Real Number w/o Prompt Message
[?] s string Input String w/ Prompt Message
[?] n string Input Integer w/ Prompt Message
[?] r string Input Real Number w/ Prompt Message
[%] value Set Input Parameter Directly
[-] Set DOS Echo OFF
[+] Set DOS Echo ON
[*] string Comment the Command Definition
[C] n1 *,/,-,+ n2 Calculate an Input Parameter
[D] n Delay n 1/10 ths of a Second
[E] string Echo a String on DOS display
[I] cell Include another menu option
[M] n1 n2 Multiple Execution of n1 lines n2 times
[P] Pause for Keystroke
[W] Open a Window in SM
System Command Termination Instructions ................................
[J] cell Jump to Menu Option cell
[L] Load SM and initialize structure
[L] c Load SM and Jump to Calling Option
[L] cell Load SM and Jump to Menu Option cell
[X] cell Load SM and Execute Menu Option Cell
[R] d parameters Run DOS Command while SM is Resident
[R] n command parameters Run ANY Command while SM is Resident
System Specific Instructions ...........................................
[V] t n Toggle SM system boolean var n
[V] n n1 n2 Set Numerical SM System var n1 to n2
[V] s n1 s1 Set String SM system var n1 to n2
[V] p n1 n2 Set Palette n1 to n2
[V] c n1 n2 n3 Set Colorset n1, Attrib n2 to n3
Release Date: 2 January, 1991
System Master 3.1 Page A- 1
ColorSet # ColorSet Description
---------- ------------------------------------------------
01 Base Screen (Shaded Area)
02 Header Block (Screen Lines 1..3)
03 Footer Block (Screen Lines 24 & 25)
04 Menu Bar (Pad Identifiers - Screen Line 2)
05 Menu Box
06 Button Menu Background
07 Menu Selection Buttons
08 Edit Windows
09 Edit Menu Box
10 Help Window
11 Screen Blank Notice
12 Time/Date Display
13 System/Error Messages
14 Operating Mode bar (Right SIde of Screen Line 1)
15 Security Window
16 Various Implementations
Release Date: 2 January, 1991
System Master 3.1 Page B- 1
APPENDIX C - SYSTEM MASTER ColorSet Attribute Definitions
Attribute # Attribute Description
----------- -----------------------------
1 Normal Background Color
2 Normal Text Color
3 HiLite BackGround Color
4 HiLite Text Color
5 Message BackGround Color
6 Message Text Color
7 Border Background Color
8 Border Char Color
9 Title Background Color
10 Title Text Color
11 Shading Background Color
12 Shading Characher Color
13 Box Line Type
14 Shading Character Code
15 Drop Shadow On/Off
16 Window Edge On/Off
* NOTE: The Attribute definitions shown above were implemented
to arrive at the color system data structure. The actual
uses of the attributes may vary according to the colorset
used for any particular screen display item.
(See Appendix D for a chart of the utilized attributes
for each color set, and the value each had when this
version of SYSTEM MASTER was released.)
Release Date: 2 January, 1991
System Master 3.1 Page C- 1
APPENDIX D - SYSTEM MASTER ColorSet/Attribute Default Settings
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
1 6 7 7 15 6 8 - - 6 8 0 7 - 178 - -
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
2 1 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
3 1 0 - - - - - - 1 11 - - - - - -
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
4 1 11 6 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
C 5 6 0 1 15 - - 6 0 - - - - 2 - 1 1
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
O 6 2 15 6 0 - - 2 11 - - - - 2 - 1 0
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
L 7 1 15 6 0 - - 2 - - - - - - - - -
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
O 8 0 7 8 15 0 14 0 2 0 1 - - 2 - 1 1
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
R 9 4 15 6 4 - - 4 12 - - - - 2 - 1 1
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
S 10 4 15 4 14 4 15 4 3 4 3 - - 2 - 1 1
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
E 11 - - - 11 - - - - - - - - - - - -
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
T 12 0 - - 15 - - 0 2 0 11 - - 2 - 1 0
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
13 4 - - - 4 15 4 15 - - - - 2 - 1 1
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
14 - - - 15 - 2 - - 5 0 - - - - - -
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
15 0 7 - 11 - - 0 2 - - - - 1 - 1 1
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
16 0 7 - 11 - - 0 2 - - - - 1 - 1 1
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
* An attribute setting of '-' above indicates that the attribute
is not currently being utilized within SYSTEM MASTER.
* NOTE: The above settings are only valid for the color adapters.
Monochrome adapters utilize the same attributes, but the
setting values will not be similar.
Release Date: 2 January, 1991
System Master 3.1 Page D- 1
APPENDIX E - SYSTEM MASTER Palette Register Settings
Register Standard Standard
Number Setting Setting
---------- ---------- ----------
0 00 00
1 57 01
2 11 02
3 39 03
4 04 04
5 62 05
6 63 20
7 07 07
8 56 56
9 09 57
10 58 58
11 31 59
12 60 60
13 44 61
14 62 62
15 63 63
Release Date: 2 January, 1991
System Master 3.1 Page E- 1
APPENDIX F - SYSTEM MASTER System '[B]' Command KeyCodes
Key Desc Key Code Key Desc Key Code
-------- -------- -------- --------
space \032 N \078
! \033 O \079
" \034 P \080
# \035 Q \081
$ \036 R \082
% \037 S \083
& \038 T \084
' \039 U \085
( \040 V \086
) \041 W \087
* \042 X \088
+ \043 Y \089
, \044 Z \090
- \045 [ \091
. \046 \ \092
/ \047 ] \093
0 \048 ^ \094
1 \049 _ \095
2 \050 ` \096
3 \051 a \097
4 \052 b \098
5 \053 c \099
6 \054 d \100
7 \055 e \101
8 \056 f \102
9 \057 g \103
: \058 h \104
; \059 i \105
< \050 j \106
= \061 k \107
> \062 l \108
? \063 m \109
@ \064 n \110
A \065 o \111
B \066 p \112
C \067 q \113
D \068 r \114
E \069 s \115
F \060 t \116
G \071 u \117
H \072 v \118
I \073 w \119
J \074 x \120
K \075 y \121
L \076 z \122
M \077 { \123
Release Date: 2 January, 1991
System Master 3.1 Page F- 1
APPENDIX F - SYSTEM MASTER System '[B]' Command KeyCodes
Key Desc Key Code Key Desc Key Code
-------- -------- -------- --------
| \124 DnArrow \000\080
} \125 PageDown \000\081
~ \126 Insert \000\082
ShiftTab \000\015 Delete \000\083
Alt-Q \000\016 ShiftF1 \000\084
Alt-W \000\017 ShiftF2 \000\085
Alt-E \000\018 ShiftF3 \000\086
Alt-R \000\019 ShiftF4 \000\087
Alt-T \000\020 ShiftF5 \000\088
Alt-Y \000\021 ShiftF6 \000\089
Alt-U \000\022 ShiftF7 \000\090
Alt-I \000\023 ShiftF8 \000\091
Alt-O \000\024 ShiftF9 \000\092
Alt-P \000\025 ShiftF10 \000\093
Alt-A \000\030 Ctrl-F1 \000\094
Alt-S \000\031 Ctrl-F2 \000\095
Alt-D \000\032 Ctrl-F3 \000\096
Alt-F \000\033 Ctrl-F4 \000\097
Alt-G \000\034 Ctrl-F5 \000\098
Alt-H \000\035 Ctrl-F6 \000\099
Alt-J \000\036 Ctrl-F7 \000\100
Alt-K \000\037 Ctrl-F8 \000\101
Alt-L \000\038 Ctrl-F9 \000\102
Alt-Z \000\044 Ctrl-F10 \000\103
Alt-X \000\045 Alt-F1 \000\104
Alt-C \000\046 Alt-F2 \000\105
Alt-V \000\047 Alt-F3 \000\106
Alt-B \000\048 Alt-F4 \000\107
Alt-N \000\049 Alt-F5 \000\108
Alt-M \000\050 Alt-F6 \000\109
F1 \000\059 Alt-F7 \000\110
F2 \000\060 Alt-F8 \000\111
F3 \000\061 Alt-F9 \000\112
F4 \000\062 Alt-F10 \000\113
F5 \000\063 CtrlLfA \000\114
F6 \000\064 CtrlRtA \000\115
F7 \000\065 CtrlEnd \000\116
F8 \000\066 CtrlPgD \000\117
F9 \000\067 CtrlHom \000\118
F10 \000\068 Alt-Hyp \000\130
Home \000\071 Alt-Equ \000\131
UpArrow \000\072 CtrlPgU \000\132
Page Up \000\073 Escape \027
LfArrow \000\075 Carriage \013
RtArrow \000\077 BackSpac \008
End \000\079
Release Date: 2 January, 1991
System Master 3.1 Page F- 2